Download The Almoravids and the Meanings of Jihad by Ronald A. Messier PDF

By Ronald A. Messier

This ebook bargains a scholarly, hugely readable account of the 11th-12th century rulers of Morocco and Muslim Spain who provided a whole diversity of meanings of jihad and challenged Ibn Khaldun's paradigm for the increase and fall of regimes.

• includes sketches of 3 precept characters (Ibn Yasin, Zaynab, and El Cid) in addition to the Koranic inscription and the plan of the Sijilmasa mosque

• comprises maps displaying a variety of areas in North Africa and Southern Spain mentioned within the text

• images of constructions, archaeological websites, and cash which are pointed out within the narrative

• A two-section bibliography comprises either medieval Arabic resources and sleek assets

• The thesaurus defines position names, tribes, tribal confederations, titles, and technical Islamic terms

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