Download The A to Z of the Crusades (The A to Z Guide Series) by Corliss K. Slack PDF

By Corliss K. Slack

in the course of the past due eleventh during the early 14th centuries at the very least seven significant expeditions have been made among Western Europe and the Holy Land with the target of finishing Muslim keep watch over of Jerusalem. eventually the crusaders have been pushed out, yet no longer ahead of a cultural trade had taken position that had an enormous influence on Western Europe and an both huge, immense, albeit much less optimistic, influence on Arabs and the Islamic international. even though the crusades happened many centuries in the past, echoes nonetheless resound in the course of the present clashes of countries and ideologies, kidnappings for ransom, assassinations, and the pointing out of 'jihad'_all making the crusades an eminently well timed topic. This one-volume evaluate offers an obtainable reference paintings for students, scholars, and normal readers at the interval with various entries on key people, areas, occasions, battles and sieges, use of guns and armor, and the deeper problems with the political and cultural history. whole with an in depth chronology and a bibliography, this paintings permits readers to profit how Europe used to be replaced perpetually by way of those battles with Islam.

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