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By Jill C. Bender

Situating the 1857 Indian rebellion inside an imperial context, Jill C. Bender strains its ramifications around the 4 assorted colonial websites of eire, New Zealand, Jamaica, and southern Africa. Bender argues that the 1857 rebellion formed colonial Britons' perceptions in their personal empire, revealing the chances of an built-in empire which can give you the assets to generate and 'justify' British strength. in line with the rebellion, Britons during the Empire debated colonial accountability, equipment of counter-insurrection, army recruiting practices, and colonial governance. Even after the uprising have been suppressed, the violence of 1857 endured to have an enduring impression. The fears generated by means of the rebellion reworked how the British understood their dating with the 'colonized' and formed their very own expectancies of themselves as 'colonizer'. putting the 1857 Indian rebellion inside of an imperial context reminds us that British strength used to be neither usual nor inevitable, yet needed to be constructed.

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