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By Laura Gotkowitz

A Revolution for Our Rights is a serious reassessment of the reasons and value of the Bolivian Revolution of 1952. Historians have tended to view the revolution because the results of class-based hobbies that followed the increase of peasant leagues, mineworker unions, and reformist political tasks within the Thirties. Laura Gotkowitz argues that the revolution had deeper roots within the indigenous struggles for land and justice that swept via Bolivia throughout the first 1/2 the 20 th century. not easy traditional knowledge, she demonstrates that rural indigenous activists essentially reshaped the army populist tasks of the Thirties and Forties. In so doing, she chronicles a hidden rural revolution—before the revolution of 1952—that fused appeals for equality with calls for for a thorough reconfiguration of political strength, landholding, and rights.

Gotkowitz combines an emphasis on nationwide political debates and congresses with a sharply concentrated research of Indian groups and big estates within the division of Cochabamba. The fragmented nature of Cochabamba’s Indian groups and the pioneering importance of its peasant unions make it a propitious vantage aspect for exploring contests over competing visions of the state, justice, and rights. Scrutinizing kingdom gurus’ efforts to impose the legislations in what was once thought of a lawless geographical region, Gotkowitz indicates how, many times, indigenous activists shrewdly exploited the ambiguous prestige of the state’s pro-Indian legislation to press their calls for for land and justice. Bolivian indigenous and social activities have captured world wide awareness prior to now numerous years. by way of describing indigenous mobilization within the many years previous the revolution of 1952, A Revolution for Our Rights illuminates a very important bankruptcy within the lengthy historical past in the back of present-day struggles in Bolivia and contributes to an knowing of indigenous politics in sleek Latin the US extra broadly.

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