Download Women and the Limits of Citizenship in the French Revolution by Olwen Hufton PDF

By Olwen Hufton

The French lots overwhelmingly supported the Revolution in 1789. financial hassle, starvation, and debt mixed to place them solidly at the back of the leaders. yet among the people's expectancies and the politicians' interpretation of what was once had to build a brand new country lay an enormous chasm. Olwen H. Hufton explores the responses of 2 teams of operating girls – those in rural components and people in Paris – to the revolution's aftermath.

Women have been denied citizenship within the new country, yet they weren't apolitical. In Paris, collective lady task promoted a managed economic system as ladies struggled to safe an sufficient offer of bread at an inexpensive rate. Rural girls engaged in collective war of words to undermine govt spiritual coverage which used to be destroying the networks of conventional Catholic charity.

Hufton examines the motivations of those teams, the recommendations they used to develop their respective reasons, and the sour misogyinistic legacy of the republican culture which persevered into the 20 th century.

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