• Download The Last Constantin by Alydia Rackham PDF

    By Alydia Rackham

    Christmas Eve, 1848. younger Quinn Campbell and his ally Agatha were abducted. Their captor, Dmitriy Gavrilov, is merciless, ruthless--and a vampire. hence starts off a treacherous trip via ice-locked Europe, towards a citadel within the depths of Romania, and a mysterious ruler on the middle of a thousand-year conflict. Now, Quinn and Agatha are stuck among immortal factions, and Quinn needs to face the reality approximately all of them--and his personal lineage--if he's to save lots of his personal existence, Agatha's, and certainly, all of Europe.

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  • Download Battles, Betrayals, and Brotherhood: Early Chinese Plays on by Wilt L. Idema,Stephen H. West PDF

    By Wilt L. Idema,Stephen H. West

    No cycle of historic legends has loved higher or extra enduring recognition in China than that of the 3 Kingdoms, which recounts the dramatic tale of the civil wars (c. advert 180-220) that divided the outdated Han empire into the Shu-Han, Wei, and Wu states, and the eventual reunification of the area below the Western Jin in advert 280.

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  • Download The legends of the turquoise planet, the keys (2nd part) by M .B PDF

    By M .B

    the topic is totally imaginary, within the sort of stories and Legends, with passages that again, by no means really an analogous, like a refrain, an analogous tale to inform and renewed view from assorted angles, akin to ocean waves or the clouds which undergo the winds

    Designed as a fresco overlaying many alternative eras, they inform the characters which are their heroes, actors, in steps. They name themselves in addition to different old Greek gods, historical civilizations (they may well in addition were referred to as Isis, Osiris or Toutatis, Belenos or ... etc). despite the fact that, they're diverse, either related and various. most likely simply because those legends will not be these of our civilizations, they don't inform us.

    So past our global, should be additionally mirror a feeling, those characters evolve, either actors and spectators. they're. From existences to existences, they arrive and pass and are available again, refrains sessions, or souls of the epics. round them, spend time, switch with their batch of vicissitudes, but additionally wish. Their pix, over the years, reveal the recent of Composition, Decomposition, Recomposition.

    Each of the section of the Legends of the Turquoise Planet, is designed to be learn separately but in addition built-in to the 4 volumes they formeach.

    The Legends of the Turquoise Planet, The Keys

    Of Grieves ... by means of Words
    A hundred poems are the weft thread in the course of the 4 components that make up this assortment. Sculptures, work, drawings .... Illustrate them by means of reflecting on and enhances (Along Water ... alongside time, alongside wind ... alongside renewal, alongside renewal ... alongside occasions, alongside moons ... alongside destinies ).

    Prelude to the Legends of the Turquoise Planet
    First, twelve new the place look the entire heroes, comparable to a variety of characters, of sceneries. Then the major of Legends, phrases, thoughts. ultimately, the synthesis of occasions, Time ...

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  • Download Contes d'Auvergne et du Bourbonnais (French Edition) by Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat PDF

    By Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat

    Lieux chargés d’histoire, l’Auvergne et le Bourbonnais ont beaucoup inspiré les conteurs. Du Cantal aux Combrailles, des Monts du Forez au Velay, l’auteur, puisant au cœur d’une riche culture orale, a recueilli des contes qui sont autant de petits chefs-d’œuvre d’esprit et de poésie.

    Le lecteur retrouvera des endroits qui lui sont familiers et les légendes qui leur sont associées : l’histoire du loup arverne et du renard romain, l’or de l. a. Jordanne, le tombeau du bon saint Menoux, les menettes et le cabrétaïre, le château de l’Ours, le pape de l’an Mil, et Bibendum...

    Maguelonne TOUSSAINT-SAMAT, historienne médiéviste et membre de l’Académie culinaire de France, s’est spécialisée dans l’étude des comportements alimentaires et des coutumes populaires. Elle est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages, notamment Histoire naturelle et morale de l. a. nourriture (Éditions Le Pérégrinateur), Histoire de los angeles delicacies bourgeoise des origines à nos jours (Éditions Albin Michel), Contes du Périgord et Contes de Provence (Éditions Sud Ouest).

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  • Download La Terre des Falgères (Cal-Lévy-France de toujours et by Florence Roche PDF

    By Florence Roche

    1914, dans le will pay du Velay. Depuis l. a. déclaration de guerre, Blaisine Falgères s’occupe seule de los angeles ferme familiale. Quand l. a. nouvelle de los angeles mort de son mari lui parvient, elle n’a pas d’autre choix que de s’accrocher à sa terre pour assurer l’avenir de leurs deux grands garçons. Elle reçoit le renfort inattendu de sa belle-soeur Agathe, venue avec une autre pensionnaire d’une maison shut stéphanoise. Elle recueille aussi sa voisine Louise, victime d’un mari violent. Une petite communauté de femmes laborieuses et solidaires se crée autour d’elle pour gérer l’exploitation et même los angeles faire fructif er. Dans l’amitié et le braveness partagés, Blaisine reprend goût à l. a. vie au aspect qu’elle accepte de donner l’asile à un mystérieux réfugié politique russe…
    La visite à l’improviste d’une dame de Saint-Étienne, endeuillée par los angeles mort à l. a. guerre de son fils aîné, et porteuse d’un negative mystery, remet tout en cause…

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  • Download Fiabe centimetropolitane (AsSaggi) (Italian Edition) by Elio PDF

    By Elio

    Surreale è tutto ciò che non potrebbe mai succedere. Ma se poi succedesse lo stesso?
    A questa domanda Elio ha sempre cercato di rispondere, con le sue canzoni e ogni altro mezzo, costruendo castelli di ipotesi in aria che acquistavano realtà through through che sollevavano pinnacoli immaginari: oggi nessuno più dubita dell’esistenza di un vitello dai piedi di balsa. Trenta secoli di buon senso ci hanno fatto credere che una fiaba con animali, da Esopo in poi, sia solo un modo cifrato di parlare della realtà: los angeles cosiddetta allegoria.
    Ma c’è ben altro nel dare l. a. parola alle bestie. Una minaccia in step with l’ordine delle cose, e una speranza di riscatto in keeping with tutti gli universi paralleli. Se poi los angeles fiaba finisce nel mirino alieno di uno scrittore (e scrittore Elio lo è sempre stato, almeno da quando lo è diventato) consistent with il quale il surreale non ha niente di irreale, allora le storie si tendono al verosimile, le bestie non spacciano più pillole di velato buon senso, ma si limitano a vivere l. a. loro vita quietamente assurda infischiandosene di noi lettori stupiti ed esilarati, e los angeles lettura si trasforma in una specie di iniziazione.
    La zoologia del pianeta Elio non contiene solo giraffe, pettirossi e grillitalpa, ma opera innesti nei regni cosiddetti naturali, e genera alberi antropomorfi, nobiluomini di cristallo e di cotone, autoarticolati ambiziosi, ammaestratori di cozze, coccodrilli idrosolubili e through surrealizzando. Si trip molto, ma anche in keeping with difendersi, giacché sotto sotto serpeggia l. a. stessa inquietudine che circola nei capolavori di Lewis Carroll: che il surreale sia soltanto il reale di qualcun altro.
    Davide Tortorella

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  • Download Animated Movie Princess Origin Stories by Linda Velwest PDF

    By Linda Velwest

    This ebook is a set of fairy stories that a few lively princess videos were in line with. a lot of those tales have been written by way of the Brothers Grimm - Wilheim and Jacob. different videos are according to tales via Hans Christian Anderson. lots of those tales are available in collections of reports by means of those authors. they could even be present in Fairy publication collections by way of Andrew Lang comparable to The Blue Fairy ebook, The Yellow Fairy e-book, The purple Fairy booklet and so forth. of the tales are approximately actual lifestyles “princesses” - Pocahontas and doubtless Mulan. i've got accrued them the following in a single quantity with a few illustrations. I’ve incorporated varied, yet comparable, tales of snoozing good looks to teach how a similar tale might be instructed otherwise. i am hoping it truly is fascinating for individuals to learn the tales that the most loved lively princess video clips were in keeping with. you will see that how the tales sparked the imaginations of the screenwriters. in particular with regards to ‘The Snow Queen’ many uncomplicated elements of the tale have replaced within the motion picture, however it is enjoyable to pick the primary parts. there is not any fairy story of a pink haired Scottish princess archer. That motion picture tale got here fullyyt out of the mind's eye of the screenwriter. yet chill out, seize a few tea, and revel in, and perhaps you could learn a few of these tales out loud to a tender baby you recognize - or get the audiobook model of this collection.

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  • Download L'Enfant des étoiles (French Edition) by Dominique Chalumeau PDF

    By Dominique Chalumeau

    Hugo est un garçon rêveur de six ans, bercé par les contes que lui lit son père. Ses mondes imaginaires seront son shelter lorsqu'il tombera gravement malade. Là-haut, un ange veillera sur lui et lui offrira pour l'éternité les clés du royaume des mille châteaux de son enfance... Ou lorsque l. a. féerie adoucit los angeles tragédie de los angeles réalité... Débordant de tendresse, le conte de Dominique Chalumeau mêle à los angeles gravité de son propos une poésie réconfortante et salvatrice. Construit autour de deux univers bien distincts, à vacation spot des enfants comme des adultes, « L'Enfant des étoiles » ne laissera personne indifférent.

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  • Download Leyendas de Barcelona (Spanish Edition) by Joan de Déu Prats Pijoan PDF

    By Joan de Déu Prats Pijoan

    Barcelona es una ciudad que atesora muchos secretos; sólo hay que prestar un poco de atención para verlos. Esta obra ofrece una selección de leyendas que nos permiten descubrir los angeles cotidianeidad de otros tiempos, l. a. vida, los personajes y el pasado de l. a. ciudad de Barcelona, con los angeles intención de que el lector aprecie una nueva visión de esta ciudad mediterránea. Las leyendas son el legado de una cultura rica y de muchos siglos de historia. Desde los griegos hasta nuestros días se han creado numerosas leyendas que explican l. a. vida en esta ciudad mediterránea. Leyendas que narran cómo Hércules fundó Barca-nona, por qué siempre llueve en las fiestas de l. a. Mercè, dónde vivía el verdugo de los angeles ciudad, quién inventó las pulgas y el pesebre, los misterios del Liceu... Descubrir todos estos acontecimientos, lugares y personajes hará que queráis más a esta ciudad. Veréis que a Barcelona los angeles acompañan, en su llano, Hospitalet, Sant Adrià, Santa Coloma y Badalona, unos lugares del Barcelonès que son fuentes de leyendas que también están recogidas en este libro. Como las ciudades todavía generan leyendas, hemos querido incluir las que nos acercan a nuestros días, las leyendas urbanas más célebres, algunas que quizá ya conocéis a través de algún vecino, el periódico o el correo electrónico.…

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  • Download The Chukchi Bible by Yuri Rytkheu,Ilona Yazhbin Chavasse PDF

    By Yuri Rytkheu,Ilona Yazhbin Chavasse

    through the prestigious writer of A Dream in Polar Fog, a suite of the myths and tales of Yuri Rytkheu’s family that's right away a relocating historical past of the Chukchi those who inhabit the northern seashores of the Bering Sea and a gorgeous cautionary story rife with clash, human drama, and humor. We meet great characters: Nau, the mummy of the human race; Rau, her half-whale husband; and Rytkheu’s personal grandfather, fated to be an intrepid tourist, far-ranging whaler, dwelling ethnographic show, and the final shaman of Uelen. The Chukchi Bible strikes via gigantic Arctic tundra, sea, and sky – and to locations deep inside ourselves—introducing readers, in brilliant prose, to a rare mythology and a resilient people.

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